
What Causes Tendonitis?

In order to deal properly with tendonitis we need to understand and — if possible — remove the underlying causes and risk factors.  We need to ask: "What else is going on inside the body that might allow tendonitis to develop?"

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Accurate diagnosis of the factors behind tendonitis consists of three steps:

Step 1: List the Possible Causative Factors

Identify all disease conditions, lifestyle choices and environmental risk factors that can lead to tendonitis.  Here are two possibilities:
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Chronic Inflammation

Step 2: Build a Symptom Checklist

Identify all possible symptoms and risk factors of each possible cause, and check the ones that apply:
having low-normal TT4 level
hyperthyroidism in family members
minor problem with cysts
poor cold weather tolerance
moderate unexplained weight gain
minor chronic inflammation
depression with some anxiety
bags under eyes
unexplained sadness/crying
incoherent speech
possible swelling at front of neck
very low serum iron
... and more than 40 others

Step 3: Rule Out or Confirm each Possible Cause

A differential diagnosis of your symptoms and risk factors finds the likely cause of tendonitis:
Cause Probability Status
Hypothyroidism 95% Confirm
Chronic Inflammation 60% Possible
* This is a simple example to illustrate the process

Arriving at a Correct Diagnosis

The Analyst™ is our online diagnosis tool that learns all about you through a straightforward process of multi-level questioning, providing diagnosis at the end.

If you indicate problems with limbs, The Analyst™ will ask further questions including this one:
Have you had Tendonitis, a painful condition involving inflammation, swelling, and irritation of a tendon?
Possible responses:
→ Never had it / don't know
→ Probably had it/minor episode(s) now resolved
→ Major episode(s) now resolved
→ Current minor problem
→ Current severe problem
Based on your response to this question, which may indicate either history of tendonitis or tendonitis, The Analyst™ will consider possibilities such as:

Chronic tendonitis is occasionally associated with hypothyroidism.

Concerned or curious about your health?  Try The Analyst™
Symptom Entry
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