
Definition of Thrombophlebitis:

Venous inflammation with formation of clots.  It can occur without any symptoms until the clot reaches the lungs.  However, in about half of cases, there are warning symptoms including swelling, pain and warmth in the entire calf, ankle, foot, or thigh (depending on where the involved vein is located).

Topics Related to Thrombophlebitis

Antibiotics a treatment
“...Combining bromelain and antibiotic therapy has been shown to be more effective than antibiotics alone in treating a variety of conditions including pneumonia, bronchitis, staph skin infections, thrombophlebitis, cellulitis, pyelonephritis, perirectal and rectal abscesses, and sinusitis...”

Buerger's Disease

...the condition
“...numbness and tingling and a lack of normal blood flow to the fingers and/or toes when exposed to cold temperatures (Raynaud's Phenomenon), and/or inflammation and clotting of certain veins (thrombophlebitis).  In severe cases, individuals with Buerger's disease may exhibit tissue death (gangrene) of affected limbs.”
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More topics Related to Thrombophlebitis

Phlebitis / Thrombophlebitis

...the condition
“...The use of progestins (synthetic progesterones, but not natural progesterone) will increase the likelihood of deep vein thrombophlebitis by 3 to 4 times...”
...our question about Progestin use
“The use of synthetic progesterones (progestins) – but not natural progesterone – will increase the likelihood of deep vein thrombophlebitis by 3 to 4 times.”
...recommendation Vitamin E
“Milroy's disease is a rare, incurable disease due to poor development of the lymphatic system, with a consequent chronic pooling of lymph in the legs often with recurring attacks of thrombophlebitis.  Every case Dr. Shute, MD treated with vitamin E resulted in a positive response, with some cases being fully cured...”
...recommendation Hydrotherapy
“Hot packs may be helpful for superficial thrombophlebitis but probably will not benefit deep vein thrombosis...”
...recommendation Therapeutic Fasting
“Increased fibrinolysis during fasting may account for the dramatic improvement seen when patients suffering from thrombophlebitis fast.”
...recommendation Bromelain
“...There are some positive reports in clinical trials of bromelain improving thrombophlebitis...”
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More topics Related to Thrombophlebitis

Subphrenic Abscess

...the condition
“...Complications include ... thrombophlebitis...”

Ultraviolet Light Therapy a treatment
“...of gangrene; Vascular headache; Adjuvant tumor therapy; General exhaustion; Anorexia; Immunostimulation; Fungal infections; Slow- or Non-healing wounds; Delayed repair of bone fractures; Acute thrombophlebitis; Vascular spasms; Improvement in condition of cancer patients”

Varicose Veins

...relationship to Phlebitis / Thrombophlebitis
Thrombophlebitis is common in people who have varicose veins but may be prevented as long as the patient wears support stockings, walks regularly and elevates the legs while sitting.”

Vitamin E a treatment
“...Added to this is the insult of recurring attacks of thrombophlebitis, each of which adds damage to the veins and increases the swelling...”
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