Raynaud's Phenomenon

Definition of Raynaud's Phenomenon:

Raynaud's disease or syndrome is a disorder of blood circulation, mainly in the fingers and toes.  It is of unknown cause and characterized by changes of the skin that are aggravated by exposure to cold: first, becoming white with numbness and pain as a result of inadequate oxygenation of the blood, then red/purple with a burning sensation.  The sudden constriction of blood vessels causes decreased blood flow to the extremities and can, in extreme cases, lead to gangrene.  Also called "white finger", "wax finger" or "dead finger".

Also: Raynaud's, Raynauds Disease, Raynaud's Disease, Raynauds Phenomenon, Raynauds Syndrome, Raynaud's Syndrome

Topics Related to Raynaud's Phenomenon


...as a treatment
“...Other research suggests that thermal biofeedback may soothe the symptoms of Raynaud's disease.  EMG biofeedback has been shown to reduce pain, morning stiffness, and the number of tender points in people with fibromyalgia...”

Buerger's Disease

...the condition
“...In addition, affected individuals may have sores (ulcers) on the extremities, numbness and tingling and a lack of normal blood flow to the fingers and/or toes when exposed to cold temperatures (Raynaud's Phenomenon), and/or inflammation and clotting of certain veins (thrombophlebitis)...”
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More topics Related to Raynaud's Phenomenon

Cold Hands and Feet

...the condition
“...A number of things cause this, such as ... Raynaud's disease (disorder that affects the flow of blood to the fingers and sometimes to the toes)...”
...relationship to Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Raynaud's phenomenon (severe cold hands and feet) affects about 16% of fibromyalgia sufferers.”


...the condition
“...Others may also have Raynaud's phenomenon, in which the small arteries in the fingers and toes constrict, causing the skin to look pale or bluish, usually after exposure to cold...”

Fish Oils

...as a treatment
“...Small studies also suggest that fish oil may be helpful in Raynaud's phenomenon (a condition in which a person's hands and feet show abnormal sensitivity to cold temperatures), psoriasis, sickle-cell anemia, the autoimmune disease lupus, and a form of kidney...”


...as a treatment
“...It helps in the prevention of Raynaud's Disease and reduces the development of Gangrene...”

Ginger Root

...as a treatment
“...Much recent work has focused on the use of ginger in circulatory disorders such as cold extremities and Raynaud's disease.  Ginger may lower blood pressure for several hours...”

Ginkgo Biloba

...as a treatment
“...Ginkgo has been used successfully against Raynaud's disease, varicose conditions, dementia syndromes, vertigo and tinnitus of vascular origin, peripheral arterial occlusion, platelet aggregation and intermittent claudication...”


...the condition
“...Hypothyroidism can cause ... Raynaud's phenomenon...”
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More topics Related to Raynaud's Phenomenon

Raynaud's Phenomenon

...the condition
Raynaud's disease, syndrome or phenomenon, whether primary or secondary, is characterized by extreme coldness in the hands or feet, the fingers or toes becoming white and numb...”
...relationship to Lupus, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
Raynaud's phenomenon has been observed in 17-30% of patients with SLE, depending on the study.”
...relationship to Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Raynaud's phenomenon is found in between 30% to 50% of CFS/FMS sufferers.”
...recommendation Inositol Hexaniacinate
“Inositol hexaniacinate, a variation on the B-vitamin niacin, has been used with some success for relieving symptoms of Raynaud's disease.  30 people in one study with Raynaud's disease took 4gm of inositol hexaniacinate each day for 3 months and showed less arterial spasm...”


...the condition
“...With affecting the blood vessels, it can cause Raynaud's phenomenon.  When it affects the internal organs, it may cause disability or even death...”

Silicone Breast Implant Problems

...the condition
“...A full 70% of these thousand women had Sjogren's syndrome; 58% had Raynaud's phenomenon and 60% had dermatitis...”

Sjogren's Syndrome

...the condition
“...In Raynaud's phenomenon, blood vessels in the hands, arms, feet, and legs constrict (narrow) when exposed to cold...”

Ultraviolet Light Therapy

...as a treatment
“...allergic conjunctivitis; Chronic hepatitis; Chronic kidney disease; Chronic eczema and neurodermatitis; Chronic recurrent polyarthritis; Diabetes mellitus; Diabetic retinopathy; Keloids; Migraine; Raynaud's disease; Psoriasis; Inflammatory disease Acne; Allergic gastritis; Arthritis; Autoimmune thyroiditis; Bursitis; Boils; Mastitis; Osteomyelitis; Pancreatitis; Periodontitis; Peritonitis...”
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