
Definition of Narcotic:

A substance that depresses central nervous system function, bringing sleep and lessening pain.  By definition, narcotics can be toxic in excess.

Also: Narcotics

Topics Related to Narcotic

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) a treatment
“...The more widely-known programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) have hundreds of thousands of groups meeting nationally and internationally...”

Alfalfa a treatment
“...Brain and Nervous System Conditions – helps people who are recovering from a narcotic or alcohol addiction to become active again...”
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More topics Related to Narcotic

Bayberry a treatment
“...Water in which the bayberry wax has been extracted is regarded as a certain cure for dysentery, and the wax itself, being astringent and slightly narcotic, is valuable in severe dysentery and internal ulcerations...”

Coffee a treatment
“...Poisoning: Coffee is used as a stimulant to antidote the effects of narcotic poisons and even snakebite...”

Erectile Dysfunction (ED, Impotence)

...the condition
“...Other drugs which are common causes of impotence include antihypertensives, diuretics, narcotics, antidepressants and tranquilizers...”

Fecal Impaction

...the condition
“...Risk factors include ... narcotic pain medication, such as methadone or codeine...”

Herniated Disc In Lower Back

...the condition
“...Initial treatment includes a combination of ... Narcotics such as codeine for more severe pain...”
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More topics Related to Narcotic

Herniated Disc In Neck

...the condition
“...Several non-surgical techniques are available, for example ... Medications, such as NSAIDs to reduce swelling and pain, muscle relaxants to calm spasm, occasionally narcotic painkillers to alleviate acute pain, steroids and steroid injections to reduce swelling, inflammation and pain...”

Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

...the condition
“...Drug-induced, including alcohol toxicity, anesthesia, antianxiety agents, antihypertensives, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, general anesthetics, antiarrhythmics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, narcotic analgesics, tranquilizers, vasodilators...”

LDN - Low Dose Naltrexone a treatment
“...Its only interaction with other drugs is with narcotics (such as morphine, Demerol and Percocet), which it briefly blocks...”

Magnesium a treatment
“...Magnesium may increase the central nervous system depressant effects of alcohol, antidepressants, narcotics, anti-anxiety medications, barbiturates, sleeping medications, anti-psychotics and general anesthetics...”

Multiple Vitamin Need

...the condition
“...Select populations will benefit from specific supplementation as in the following examples ... People on poor diets or selected medications which deplete key nutrients, or who abuse alcohol or narcotics are likely to be deficient in micronutrients and should see improved health with supplementation...”

Neck Arthritis

...the condition
“...While other painkillers may be prescribed, narcotic pain medication is generally avoided...”
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